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HeilQuell  is german and means healing spring or healing source as well as the source of healing.


stands for healing, wellbeing and salvation. It carries the word holy in it, is a greeting or a blessing and holds a notion of wholeness.

Here it symbolizes the journey of our lives, of healing, becoming whole and connecting to the divine essence within and around us which gifts us increased wellbeing. 

This essence is continuously calling us through our own soul as well as the soul-essence in everything outside of us. It mirrors our pathway from surviving to thriving and towards holistic mastery of our lives. The divine essence, the sacred source of existence, reveals itself and meets us eye to eye in every encounter, situation and experience we get to make. Witnessing, guiding and supporting us in our growth, healing and transformation .


„For you see, no matter how bad it gets, the elf voice will always call a Snamuh to celebrate his being.“ John Bradshaw – ‚The almost tragic story of a tender elf‘ in his book ‚Homecoming‘



means spring and source.

It holds the source of life, the heavenly source. The source of our being, our strength and truth as well as the root causes of all our lives challenges, our shadows, our beliefs and conditionings that cause us suffering and limit us.

It symbolizes the transformational process from something that takes and restrains our energy into a bountiful re-source.

The spring also symbolizes the element of water which we are made of and which connects all of life. On a deeper level the water represents our inner depths, our emotions, our shadows and desires as well as our creativity, sensitivity and sensuality.



Art is a quality of creation, a way of dealing with life, it is innately healing and integrative.

It represents a creative way of processing on a physical as well as a mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level. It carries the essence of creation. It mirrors receptivity, using and transforming what is into something new. It is a process of making space for change through facing what is, in the willingness of seeing the present with new eyes. It inspires us to become fully alive, to accept ourselves and our existence, to step into our truth and develop the courage to be seen as who and what we truly are.


Art is divinely inspired, it is life affirming, deeply moving, transformative and healing.

It reconnects us to the divine creator, the creative essence within us and around us.

It is pure alchemy. 


Elisabeth Karin Susanna

Pilgrim of the heart


For years I have been, and still am, following the longing to understand which aspects shape my actions, thoughts and feelings and how to find a loving, balanced way of self-empowerment.

My inner quest brought me in touch with a lot of teachings and experiences, that combined with my innate being, over the years grew into a colourful, continuously expanding, bouquet of skills that I feel so blessed to share with you now!



My intention with this website is to have a platform where you can feel into what I am here to share, the gifts, my work, my being.


In all that I do, all that I create and offer my intention is to support, inspire and co-create holistic processing, healing, transformation and integration.

Your wholeness, your wellbeing is what I care about. I want you to live life feeling fully alive and yourself, feeling purposeful and powerful.


 It is very dear and important to me to hold safe, sensitive, mindful and compassionate spaces, so that each may face whatever needs to be seen and witnessed, felt, held and healed. 

My support focuses on the individuals journey of transformation of setting free the essence within, yearning to be set free.

I am dedicated and devoted to serve humbly with whatever is possible, needed, true and aligned 

Über Heilung

Heilung Was bedeutet Heilung für Dich? Für mich stellt sich diese Frage immer und immer wieder. Vor allem wenn ich mich klein fühle, ohnmächtig, kommen

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